Algoa Organics

On September 18th to 20th, 2019 , more than a hundred foreign guests will be present at the ALGOA Summit with participation from over all the continents the first time ALGOA has gone global. Representatives from international agencies such as the FAO, local and foreign governments will grace the historic occasion. The IFOAM Organics International and IFOAM Asia board will be also be present as well as representatives from the regional bodies including the farmer representatives from the Intercontinental Network of Organic Farming Organizations (INOFO). More than 10 mayors from the Philippines who are members of ALGOA will join the summit as well as top officials of the Women for Organic Agriculture in Asia – Philippines chapter.

There will also be an Organic Festical in Goesan County on the 20th and 21st. There will be several booths which will showcase different organic products from all over Asia.


The Asian Local Governments for Organic Agriculture (ALGOA) is a sub organization of IFOAM Asia and works with over two hundred local governments in Asia to promote the expansion of organic agriculture. The annual ALGOA Summit is a gathering of local governments, IFOAM members and other stakeholders in the region to exchange best practice and to discuss ways to enhance government action , support and policy to foster growth in the organic sector.

Summit Program

Wednesday, September 18th

9:30 – 10:30: Opening Ceremony

  1. Opening Speech (Lee, Cha Yong, Mayor of Goesan County, President of ALGOA)
  2. Welcome Speech (Zhou Zejiang, President of IFOAM Asia)
  3. Congratulatory Speeches
  4. ALGOA Progress Report (ALGOA Ambassador)
  5. Nomination of New ALGOA Ambassadors
  6. Signing of the Membership Commitment for New ALGOA Members

11:00 – 12:30: Session 1: Policies for Transformational Change in Agriculture

Moderator: Louise Luttikholt, Executive Director, IFOAM – Organics International

  1. “Coherent Policies Driving Sustainability in Agriculture” (Frank Eyhorn, Vice-President, IFOAM – Organics International)
  2. “Sustainable Agriculture in the Age of Artificial Intelligence?” (Nicarnor Perlas, Philippines, 2003 Recipient of the Right Livelihood Award)
  3. “Policies for Scaling Up Agroecology” (Pierre Ferrand, FAO Asia and Pacific)
  4. Panel Discussion: Overcoming Barriers to Transformational Change

14:00 – 15:30: Session 2: Government Policies in Support of Organic Agriculture

Moderator: Mathew John, Director, Keystone Foundation

  1. Africa: David Amudavi, Biovision Africa Trust / Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative of the African Union
  2. Latin America: Patricia Flores, IFOAM Latin America Representative
  3. Pacific Islands: Karen Mapusua, Operations Manager Land Resource Division, Pacific Community; IFOAM World Board
  4. Q&A with Audience and Panel Discussion: Best Practices

16:00 – 17:30: The Role of Local Government Initiatives in Asia

Session 3: Best Practices of Local Government Initiatives in Korea

Moderator: Zhou Zejiang, President, IFOAM Asia

  1. ALGOA (Lee Cha Yong, Mayor of Goesan County)
  2. Local Government of Hongseong County Chungnam Province
  3. “Organic box Scheme for Pregnant women and New Mothers” (Nakhyun Choi, Director of Agriculture Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs)
  4. “Check-off Funds of Korea” (Donggeun Choi, Korea Check-off Board)
  5. Q&A with Audience and Flash-round: Key Success Factors

Thursday, September 19th

9:30 – 10:30: Session 4: What Governments Can Do to Drive Change

Moderator: Dr. Shaikh Tanveer Hossain, APO, Japan

  1. “Denmark’s Organic Action Plan” (Paul Holmbeck, Organic Denmark, Future Policy Silver Award 2018)
  2. “The Power of Public Contracts” (Paula Daniels, Center for Good Food Purchasing, USA, Honorable Mention – Future Policy Award 2018)
  3. Chris Morales, National Orgaic Plan, Ministry of Agriculture, Philippines
  4. “India Goes Organic – How Policies Can Help” (Neeraja Adidam, Joint Secretary Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, India)
  5. Q&A with Audience and Flash-round: Key Success Factors

11:00 – 12:30: Session 5: Ways Forward in Working for Better Policies

Moderator: Mrs. Miyoshi Satoko, Vice-President, IFOAM Asia

  1. “Advocating for Organic Policies in the EU” (Eduardo Cuoco, Executive Director, IFOAM EU)
  2. “How Local Governments Influence Policy-Making” (LOAMCP-PH)
  3. “ASEAN-German Cooperation on Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Farming” (Suriyan Vichitlekarn, GIZ ASEAN Regional Economic Integration)
  4. “Facilitating Peer-to-Peer Exchange Among Policy Makers” (Louise Luttikholt, Executive Director, IFOAM – Organics International)
  5. Concluding Panel: Action Points

14:00 – 15:30: Session 6: International Summit on Organic Food Systems

Welcome by David Gould, FoodChain ID the role of the Organic Food System Program (OFSP) in the context of food system transformation, and deliverables to the United Nations.

OFSP as a Core Initiative of UN SFSP: a midterm stat us: Carola Strassner (University of Munster) describing the leading research; Jostein Hertwig (BERAS) describing OFSP engagement in actual practice

Keynote: James Lomax (UNEP) – ewest UNEP work and specifically what SFSP expects from and by OFSP.

15:30 – 16:00 Break and Poster Gallery – Physical and virtual posters with conversation by presenters.

16:00 – 1730: OFS as models for food system transformation

Moderator: David Gould, FoodChain ID
• The role of organic in CRFS (Henk Renting)
• Implementing organic into dietary recommendations (Susanne Bugel)
• The role of organic public procurement and gastronomy (Carola Strassner
• The role of OFS key actors (Sebastian Krestchmer, Tooba Jamil, Lilly Stefanovic, 45 min total)

Friday, September 20th

9:00 – 11:00: Session 7: Food System Transformation

Moderator: Jostein Hertwig, BERAS

Part I – The Role of OFS in Practice: Network Models

  1. Salvatore Basile – Inner Network – Focus on Europe and Northern Africa
  2. Vic Tagupa Sr. – ALGOA Network – Focus on Asia
  3. Joy Carrey – Milano Urban Food Network – International

Part II – OFS in Practice: Individual Case Models

  1. Mwanahamisi Hussein – The Organic Food System in Manyara, Tanzania
  2. Sara Jervfors for Södertalje – OFS in Sweden
  3. Additional Speaker TBD

11:00 – 11:30: Poster Gallery: Viewing and Conversations with Presenters (virtual and in-person)

11:30 – 12:30: Session 8: Fishbowl Wrap-up

Moderator (to pose questions): David Gould

  • Food System Transformation: How OFS may Contribute, especially in Asia

12:30 – 13:00: Closing Ceremony

Moderator: Jennifer Chang, IFOAM Asia

  1. Conference Wrap-up for Day 1: Bablu Ganguly, World Board, IFOAM – Organics International
  2. Conference Wrap-up for Day 2: James Lomax, UNEP
  3. Adoption of Conference Declaration: Organic Youth Forum Members
  4. Closing Remarks: Zhou Zejiang, President, IFOAM Asia

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